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Branding isn’t something you do once and forget about.
It’s an ongoing process that takes time, commitment and energy to develop and maintain.
A brand is everything that you do to differentiate yourself from your competitors, both online and offline. It’s the look of your website, the quality of your products, the tone of your voice, and how you interact with customers.
The world’s most successful companies understand these aspects of a brand:
Treat your brand like a fledgling child. If you want it to grow into a mature adult that stands out in the crowd and generates revenue, then you need to nurture it every single day.
It’s easy to forget that brands are people, too. But they are.
A strong brand is a persona, a character, an identity. Just like human beings, brands can be likable or unlikable, trustworthy or deceitful, cool or uncool.
Learn more: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Memorable Brand Identity
The best brands have the same relationship with their customers as a beloved parent or grandparent does with his or her children and grandchildren. The bond is deep; the connection is personal. Customers feel understood by them and at ease in their presence.
Brands that have this kind of relationship with their customers tend to be incredibly valuable. People will pay a premium to do business with them. They earn customer loyalty and customer advocacy because happy customers want to tell others about them ― sometimes for free, just because they love them so much.
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Let's chat about what to actually say in your IG captions. Save this FREE guide to your notes