Sentext Solutions

Bring in thousands of new customers and get them returning more often.

The majority of social media shares, podcast listens, and email opens all happen on our phones. It seems pretty clear why companies and marketers are quickly making the pivot to SMS marketing. Sentext sends over 10 million texts each month and has more than 5 million consumers receiving texts messages through the platform.
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B2B suffered during the pandemic.

When coronavirus (COVID-19) spread throughout the United States, small businesses around the country felt the full force of the economic impacts.

In the early days of the pandemic, regulations forced businesses to close their doors. For a company like Sentext Solutions, that was all but a death sentence.

The original Sentext business model had reps regularly visiting small businesses across the country. As the world changed, so to did government agencies. Newly launched alert programs were implemented to instantly get information out to the public.

However, due to the nationwide lockdowns and quarantine, Sentext was tasked with keeping up the leads given to the reps and closing on new deals.

From physical visits to online signups.

We equipped Sentext with an ambitious customized platform for their reps. Each Sentext rep was designated a region and territory. Through localized Facebook ads and a personalized Sentext branded website, reps could easily garner online leads from the safety of their home.

We worked closely with them to create a seamless platform for customers. Reps could now reach small businesses and conduct signups online.

SMS Marketing
Marketing Campaign
Social Media Management
Website Development
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